Saturday, July 16, 2011

Harry Potter Part 2

Went to go see the final installment of Harry Potter with my friend Leigh. She's the reason why I got into this series in the first place. She brought me along to the first movie where I got hooked on the young wizard who was cursed in more ways than one. After that we went opening day to go see the rest of the movies until I moved to Michigan where it came to a halt. However, I have moved back and we were able to continue the tradition once last time. To say goodbye to Harry Potter. When the first half came out I was excited and sad but not as much as this one. This one concluded everything and even though the books have ended we still had the movies. I didn't really want the 15th to come to be honest. I wanted to keep waiting for more movies and be excited when they came out.
Sitting through the theater the thought "This is it." wandered in my head. Not going to lie but tears did shed during this and I knew it would happen. Just the fact seeing Hogwarts being demolished made it hard. Let's not forget all the deaths that happened as well. I think the one death that got me the most was Snape's. Just knowing what this man went though and seeing it on screen made an impact. Alan Rickman did a great job in my opinion. Fred's scene was heartbreaking too but not as much as I was expecting. It was still hard though considering you see Fred and George together in the beginning. THAT was hard enough because if you read the books you know what was going to happen later on.
All in all, I liked the movie. There were, however, a lot of things that weren't explained and some things that were left out. It's to be expected because you can't follow the book chapter by chapter, scene by scene. I left the theater satisfied but knowing that there will be no more Potter films, made me sad. My friend Rose said that our childhoods do not end until the DVD comes out. She had a point, but some of my childhood did leave when the movie ended. I don't think I will ever be as devoted and a fan to a series than I was to Harry Potter and I want to keep it that way.

For the record I will be seeing this movie in theaters more than once. :)
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Update 2

These titles are getting lame. I can't think of anything. I haven't been writing in this thing for months.A lot of stuff has been happening right now. Stuff that I seriously just need to get out there but I can't. I am so known for keeping things in. Bottling them up until they burst. Been having trouble sleeping. Sleepless nights suck not to mention it's hot as all get out down here in the basement. I'm never happy and when I am happy it doesn't last because once I am alone it all goes away. I can't be positive because to me, that's like lying to myself of feelings. I can't act something if I do not feel it. I don't like lying to myself; even though I probably do that a lot. I dunno. I guess this update is just for getting what's on my mind right now. :/
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