Saturday, July 16, 2011

Update 2

These titles are getting lame. I can't think of anything. I haven't been writing in this thing for months.A lot of stuff has been happening right now. Stuff that I seriously just need to get out there but I can't. I am so known for keeping things in. Bottling them up until they burst. Been having trouble sleeping. Sleepless nights suck not to mention it's hot as all get out down here in the basement. I'm never happy and when I am happy it doesn't last because once I am alone it all goes away. I can't be positive because to me, that's like lying to myself of feelings. I can't act something if I do not feel it. I don't like lying to myself; even though I probably do that a lot. I dunno. I guess this update is just for getting what's on my mind right now. :/


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