Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Working Now

Started working at the Payless again. It's not bad, but I miss working with my old co-workers. Everyone is Spanish, which I am not complaining about that, but they all have these really heavy accents. Not to mention the majority of customers are either Indian or Hispanic. I am so used to working with Caucasians.
The place is busier than the one I used to work at in Michigan. The only problem I am having is that the rack plan is so messed up that I can't do shipment properly. It's to the point where you would have to take all the shoes off the shelf and start over. Yeah. It's that bad. At least I am working so I can't complain on that part. Time just has to pass and I am sure things will be easier.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011


Been almost a month since I moved back to New York to live with my parents. Does it suck? Yes. It's sucks that you are 25 years old and you are still hearing it from your mother. In reality, I am not happy to be back here. A part of me wishes I was back in Michigan with my jobs and must staying away from my family. I seriously don't need the extra aggravation that comes with living with them. It's to the point where I can't invite my friends over without my mom asking me when they are leaving or having a fuckin' curfew. Those things tick me off the most and it makes me look bad in front of my friends. Thus is why I am taking a break of hanging out with them until I get a job. And if this job doesn't call me back this week I am going to see what the hell is taking her so long. Nothing but annoyed is all it's been since I moved to this hell hole.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sleeping Situation

First entry and what am I going to do? I am going to rant. This is one of the reasons why I got this in the first place. I moved back to New York May 1st. Apparently some things needed to be done and the sleeping situations were a bit of a problem. My mom kept saying it was temporary so I didn't complain. I knew what needed to be done. However, two weeks have went by and I am still sleeping on the friggin' couch. I was told that the basement was where I was going to be. I don't have a real bed yet, but I am not worried about that right now. My dad has been occupying the basement and I am on the couch. 
Finally my mom tells me that I can have the basement back once we get an AC in the bedroom where my mom and dad would sleep. So, we went and got an AC, my dad installed it and everything was looking up. However, just like always, things changed. So far I have slept once downstairs. Reason? The bed was too small to fit both my parents. Seriously. I am now back on the couch and my mom said that in two weeks when she gets paid again, she will buy a bed. TWO WEEKS! If you count all the weeks up, that's a month of being on the couch.
To me, there wasn't any planning when it comes to sleeping. No planning at all. That's what getting me pissed off my rocket right now. I mean, you plan to have your daughter come back from living on her own for a year. Was there no talk or plan on how things are going to work out with the male of the family? Or there was talk, but no one gave answers or solutions.
Nights of hardly any sleep. Will it get better? My guess is as good as anyone else..
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